When we talk about vibrating frequency according to quantum physics, it means everything is energy. We all vibrate at different frequencies. Every vibration corresponds to a certain feeling. In the vibratory world there are only two types of vibrations either positive or negative. All feelings cause you to emit certain frequency either positive or negative.
Let’s see how in our day to day life we are turned to different frequencies, and how they affect our life.
1. Our Thoughts.
Every thought to which we react to or we interrupt with creates a frequency, whether knowingly or unknowingly which is going to have an effect on us. And this frequency is sure to reach you back, as you have vibrated at that frequency.
Suppose you have vibrated at a frequency of negative thoughts, anger, fear, jealousy, shame, guilt, its ought to come back to you one or the other day. That is the reason one has to be careful about the quality of reactions, or thoughts we emit in our day to day life. We should be aware that we are looking at life positively and emitting positive thoughts, to bring more positivity to our own life.
2. Our Company (Whom we are surrounded with.)
Whom we are surrounded with makes a first level impact on our life, as their vibrating frequency or thoughts comes in direct contact with your vibrating frequency, without even you knowing it.
If you surround yourself with dedicated, honest, happy, spiritual, positive, determined people, it becomes easy for you to enter into or be into that kind of positive frequency. If you surround yourself with cursing, jealous, complaining, unhappy people, you have to be careful as they may bring your energy down. Not only that if you are constantly with this kind of negatively vibrating people than they may even affect you goals and suck your energy, so be careful about your company.
3. Music.
As we know music is based on frequency, music to which we listen has a direct and powerful effect on our vibrating frequency. If you listen to music related to sadness, abandonment or betrayal this will have a same kind of vibrating frequency in you. So you have to be conscious about the kind of music or songs that you listen to. Negative music may decrease your vibrating frequency, which will draw negative things into your life.
4. Things you see.
When we see news, incidents, programmes, serials, movies which are full of misfortune, betrayal, death, etc, your brain takes it as if it’s real, and hence creates a chemical reaction into your body, which in turn affects the vibrating frequency of your body. Hence, be careful about what you are watching.
5. Environment
It doesn’t matter whether you are at your workplace or at your home if you are surrounded with a dirty environment and are disorganized, then it is surely going to affect your vibrating frequency and your work. Keep your surroundings clean, organized, and if possible add good fragrance to it.
6. Word
If you have a habit of complaining or speaking badly about people and things around you, then you are creating a negative vibrating frequency for yourself. To maintain your own high positive frequency it is very much necessary that you speak well about others and immediately stop complaining about self and others. Be responsible for your activities and choices that you have made here before and take care of making right choices in the future.
7. Gratitude
When you show your gratitude towards things and situations in life it creates a positive effect on your vibrating frequency. Gratitude helps you to vibrate at a positive frequency on daily basis; you only have to be grateful for all what you have. Be thankful for all good things that happen to you, as well as be great full for all the lessons you got from the unhappy incidents or people that came into your life. Gratitude will help you with more incidents for which you can be grateful for, it help you increase your vibrating frequency.
8. Fragrance.
We all know that good smells makes us feel fresh while bad smells makes us irritated. Hence it is necessary to maintain our environment, work place, home etc with nice fresh and pleasing fragrances. Cleaning the rooms with fragrant room cleaners, spraying fragrance with diffusers or using positive essential oils, sticks and such other things. It helps you be positive and fresh throughout the day.
To bring positivity to your life do the above and make life more peaceful and happy.