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The Energy Escaping Bucket.

Since 2000, I am practicing as a yoga and spiritual healer, in my journey, I come across many people with lots of complaints, that they do lot of spiritual practices, but are not getting the desired results.

Today we are just going to have a look at some of the common things that happen with these guys, throughout the day.

· They get up early in the morning, perform daily rituals like pooja, yoga, affirmations, prayers and many such whatever are the part of their habit, but are emotionally elsewhere thinking of the days schedule etc., and finally they are done with the work physically to start their day.

  • They read many religious books; attend Satsangs but when it comes to blessing from heart or forgiving someone they don’t.

  • They are very kind to their guest, neighbors, and friends when they are in front of them but as soon as they leave they gossip negative things about them.

  • They do social service, they do food donations, they distribute different things but at the end they curse some unknown who they think may be responsible for the bad conditions of those needy people, which is none of their business.

  • They are kind to friends, outsiders, and even to unknown outsiders but when it comes to family they are rude.

  • They help others, but are doing so to get something in return and not performing the act selflessly with bottom of their heart. I simply call it as “Photo is our Motto”.

  • They advice many big and good things to others from the knowledge they have, but fail to practice it for self.

  • They feel superior to others and look down to others, judge their level of clothing, external appearance, knowledge and many such things, without understanding the universal facts related to that person.

This is a non ending list as such, but I would stop here with a simple conclusion, that we struggle to fill our “life” (bucket), by doing as many good things as much as possible (water in bucket), hoping that it will stay inside and create positive karmas / results for us, but our unknowing faults (holes) make a way for our positive energy to escape away, even before we completely fill the bucket.

I would simple end up saying to fill the bucket of positive results first step is to start a habit of patching up these leaking holes with a little more awareness, and make our life’s path beautiful and achieve desired results.


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