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How to inspire your children with Etiquette:

1. Greet your children with hugs and kisses as they enter the house. This should help them develop a sense of love and compassion.

2. Don't treat your neighbors well and never bite. Never be rude to other drivers while on the road. Your children listen, absorb and imitate.

3. Encourage your children to talk to their grand parents when they call. Carry your children with you when visiting your parents. The more you care for your parents, the more you will learn to care for them.

4. Don’t always play an album or CD while driving while taking them to school. Instead, tell them the story yourself. It will have more consequences - believe me!

5. Read a short moral story a day for them - it take very little time, and is also very effective in creating wonderful memories and strong bonds.

6. Comb your hair, brush your teeth and present clothes if you don’t go out during the day while sitting at home. They need to learn that there is no such thing as being clean and tidy.

7. Don't try to blame or comment on every word or action they say or do. Learn to ignore and let go sometimes. It definitely boosts their confidence.

8. Ask their permission before entering the rooms. Don’t just knock and enter, but wait for their verbal permission. They will learn to do the same when they want to enter your room.

9. Always apologize to our children if you make a mistake. Expressing apology teaches them to be humble and polite.

10. Don't be sarcastic or make fun of their opinions or feelings, even if you are "just making sense" and "just joking." It really sucks.

11. Show respect for their privacy. This is important for their values ​​and sense of self-worth.

12. Don't expect them to hear or understand for the first time. Don't take things personally. But be calm and consistent.

13. Join them and show how to pray. Be a leader by example.


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