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Brahmamhurtha Right Time to Meditate.

Brahmamhurtha Right Time to Meditate.

From my childhood, I saw that my grandparents used to get up early in the morning. Granny had a habit of chanting some mantras, followed with Pranayama, and other morning ritual. Grandpa used to perform Pranayama, some yogic postures and physical idol puja. Similarly we use to do some puja at the time of sunset as well. And some evening shlokas was the part of daily schedule.

When I was 11 years my grandfather died, and the responsibility of his physical idol worship was shifted on to my shoulders. My family background was such that I was nurtured with Gayatri Mantra at the age of 3 years. We as a kid developed the habit of chanting Om, Gayatri Mantra and many such other shlokas as a part of our life before knowing what were the benefits of doing it?

When I grew up a very natural question started popping up in my mind why should we do all this? And what are the benefits of it? As now was the time when we were entering the world of science. My granny supported me in this matter to a greater extend, and my journey to restudy our ancient scripts started.

Today I would like to discuss about the where first and important factor of the day, which is called Brahmamhurtha.

Are you aware of why our rishis and saints told us to meditate in Brahmamhurtha?

Brahmamhurtha in simple words can be defined as “The Creator’s Hour”. This time is considered as an auspicious time for yogic practices as well as meditation. Now, when we discus about any subject with just its spiritual point of view it becomes hard to digest, and many questions and doubts are raised. So today we will understand Brahmamhurtha from different perspectives.

Ancient Perspective:

As per our saints and rishis Brahmamhurtha starts around one and half hour before sunrise. This time changes from geographical location and time of year as well, as the sunrise varies every day. You can find this time as per your location on Google.

Let’s discuss this with an example, if today the sunrise in your area is at 6.30 am then the Brahmamhurtha will begin at approximately 5.00 am for your area.

It is considered that the Rishis, yogis, Paramahansa, Aspirants and Sannyasis generally start there meditation when the Brahmamhurtha begins. This is the time when a positive frequency is created at a large scale by many people at the same time although from different places. They also send their vibrations throughout the world, which benefits all those who are tuned with the frequency of meditation. In simple words if you have a problem with concentrating to meditate or get the desired output in the material world, just start meditating at this hour of the day and meditation will happen automatically.

This precious time can also be utilized for japa that is doing spiritual chants, mantras, affirmations, where you are creating positive vibrations. For doing so you can sit in any comfortable posture, preferably, Siddhasana, Sukhasana or if possible Padmasan, do take care that you don’t feel uncomfortable after some time. I would suggest here to start with the easiest posture for you, as disturbance at the physical level will create disturbance in meditation as well.

Ayurvedic Perspective:

As per the details available in the International Journal of Yoga and Allied sciences, during this Brahmamhurtha period, nascent oxygen is available in the atmosphere. The nascent oxygen mixes with hemoglobin and forms oxyhemoglobin, which is beneficial for us in many ways.

1. It helps in increasing energy level.

2. It helps in boosting the immune system.

3. It helps relieving pain, cramps, soreness, etc.

4. It also helps in maintaining balance of blood pH levels.

5. It enhances the absorption of vitamins and minerals.


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