The chanting of Om, also known as "Om Chanting" or "Om Meditation," is a spiritual practice that involves repeating the sound "Om" (pronounced "Aum") in a rhythmic manner. While there is limited scientific research specifically on the benefits of Om chanting for children with ADHD and autism, there are potential benefits that can be derived from this practice.
Here are some of the potential benefits of Om chanting for children with ADHD and autism:
Promotes relaxation: Om chanting has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. This can be particularly helpful for children with ADHD and autism, who may experience heightened levels of anxiety and stress.
Improves focus: Om chanting can help to improve focus and attention. This can be beneficial for children with ADHD, who may struggle with attention and focus.
Enhances mood: Om chanting has been found to enhance mood and promote feelings of calmness and positivity. This can be helpful for children with ADHD and autism, who may experience mood swings and emotional dysregulation.
Improves sleep: Om chanting has been shown to improve sleep quality, which can be particularly helpful for children with ADHD and autism, who may struggle with sleep issues.
Enhances cognitive function: Om chanting has been found to enhance cognitive function and improve memory. This can be beneficial for children with ADHD and autism, who may struggle with learning and memory.
Improved sensory processing: Children with autism often struggle with sensory processing, and chanting Om may help them better regulate their sensory experiences.
Om chanting should be used as a add on therapy for enhancing the treatments for ADHD and autism, such as medication and behavioral therapy. So, it can be a helpful complementary practice that may improve overall well-being and quality of life for children with these conditions.
While these potential benefits are promising, more research is needed to fully understand the effects of chanting Om on ADHD and autism.