Are you a parent, between the age 20 to 50 then this is for you. I would rather start with my own story, which I hope might have been the same for you as well, a bit here and there.
I grew up in Mumbai, formerly Bombay, India.
Regardless of the weather, our dinner time was between 8:30PM to 9:00PM and bed time was 10:00PM.
Eating out at a restaurant was a dream.
Fast food never aroused those days, and having a bottle of cold drink or a milkshake was a real treat.
We took off our school uniforms as soon as we were back home and put on our ‘home’ clothes. No picking up and dropping off in school, we used to go walking to school with siblings or friends, or boarded the school bus.
Our house phone had a cord attached and a rotary dial so nothing called private conversations were possible.
We didn’t have Star, Netflix or Amazon Prime, we had only 1and only one channel, which was Doordarshan to watch for which we were waiting for...
We played games like Hide & Seek, Cops & Robbers, Cricket, Football, Lagori, Marbles, Gilli Danda and any other game we could come up with.....no gender bias.
We played music on a tape recorder and used to tune in our Akashawani or Vivid Bharathi Radio station.
We went to the local shop for grocery, there were no supermarkets and candy used to be for around 5 for 25 paise and so on. Shopkeepers used to know to which house we belonged to.
We ate what mothers made for lunch and dinner. Special dinners were only on Birthdays or festival days. If we didn’t eat our vegetables there was no dessert or other strict punishments.
We used to play till dark, below the building or in nearby garden accompanied with grandparents, sunset was our alarm.
If someone had a fight, that usually used to end with next sunrise.
We used to be more careful even with our elders because all of our aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and our parent’s best friends were all extensions of our family and we didn't want them telling your parents if we misbehaved. Actually those were the days when these members also had equal rights to teach us manner (Scold us).
We used to respect the Police, Ambulance workers, Firemen, Doctors, Nurses and Teachers.
We never answered back questions to anyone.
We got detention at school for being late to class, not doing homework, or being naughty. Teacher’s words were full and final.
Those were the wonderful days of life we ever had.
So many kids today, never even know how it feels to be a real kid.
It’s unfortunate, but true. But to all who are reading this as parents, my question to you is, are we on the right track?
Are we not well settled? Are we not having what we deserve? Are we not fulfilling the dreams of our parents or may be our own? If yes, then why are we forcing our kids to a world where they don’t even get freedom to breathe air on their own?
Don’t you really miss those lovely days of your childhood? When you look at your child do you really feel jealous of them that they are blessed with latest technology or do you feel pity on them that they are missing the most precious days of childhood which will never come back to them again?
Are you not partial with them? Don’t you want them to have at least a few moments in their life when they are grown up, to say yes we at least enjoyed as a kids? Open up your heart, re-think, I know it’s hard to digest by our auto mode mind to even come out of the so called world of competition. Let your kids breathe.
I know it’s difficult for even your subconscious to say that “Let the kid live their childhood”, but open your heart, and not brains. And give them the real boosts of life, which no energy drink can be compared with.
We at Pragyaan conduct various activities for children as well as parents, where in we help both to come out of the competitive pressures of the world, and enjoy the current moments which you have in hands.
But our only condition is, we only welcome those parents and their kids who really want success in life with a complete stress free mental state. Now who is willing to step out of the current mental barriers and enjoy life fully? And yet get guarantee you that your kids will be on top, in academics, sports, cultural activities or say art. Every person is unique, we help you find the uniqueness, and help you out with certain skills in a play way method.
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