Benefits of Meditation to Students.
Many schools are now a day’s facing thousands of emotional and mental issues with the students. Students at a very young age are facing mental health challenges like, anxiety and stress. The best solution in my view is to train students with different technique of yoga which will help them achieve good mental health.
Mediation helps students tackle many problems. Meditation also helps students in improving their self-reliance, self-regulation and self-awareness. Mediation helps in achieving Alpha state of mind and a brainwave pattern. Meditation in simple words helps the students to do self healing.
Those who have a sharp mind, and are not able to see their growth face issues like, tension, anger, stiffness, etc. Also, an expanded consciousness and not being sharp, leads to no progress and in-action. Meditation helps in maintaining the balance between expanded consciousness and sharp mind. Meditation helps them in developing a good attitude, keeps them happy, which in returns gives a good performance.
Now, when we talk about meditation it should be way of life and not just once in a forth-night. And to do so one has to practice it on daily basis.
Let’s one by one have a glance at benefits of meditation.
1.Stress Level.
Those who do it on daily basis have reported good results. Concentration level of such students shows a dynamic change. They develop their resistance to face situations in a positive manner, reducing their academic stress.
2. IQ Level.
There is a test called fluid intelligence test; students performing meditation on regular basis have shown very good results in it.
3.Focus and Concentration Level.
Meditation helps students to increase focus and concentration as they develop a habit of sitting still at a place for a certain time on daily basis. It also helps them take control on anxiety level.
4.Emotional and Behaviour Level.
Meditation not only reduces anxiety but also helps in developing emotional intelligence, take control on emotions, and make use of emotions at right place. A person develops a habit of pro-action instead of reaction, at times when needed.
5.Carving Level.
Carving towards anything whether its food, drugs, clothes, social image, alcohol, and many such things automatically comes in control. Perfectionism a kind of addiction also comes into control.
6.Physical Level.
Meditation includes different activities hand in hand, like asana, pranayama, yama , niyam etc which help in developing good quality physical personality. These not only helps students to have a sickness free health, but also look smarter and develop self confidence.
The final and the important conclusion of this blog is, follow our basics, Stick to nature, concentrate on self development and you will never have to change the world, people will follow you.
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