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The difference between Sadness and Depression

The word depression has become a class today. Everyone is depressed for one reason or another. But are we really depressed or are we just sad and think it's depressed? In this blog, we will list some of the symptoms that can help you differentiate between sadness and depression.

What is Sadness?

Sadness is a feeling that is usually caused by a hurtful, difficult, challenging, or disappointing incident, experience or situation. Everyone experiences Sadness in their lives; however once the situation changes they can easily overcome it and move on.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental disorder that has an exaggerated effect on many parts of a person's life. It can occur in people of any age or gender and can change behavior and attitudes, of that person.

With this, it is clear that although sadness and depression seems to be same, they are not the same. So, how do you know when you're sad and you're really depressed?

Go through the symptoms and identify yourself.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Low energy and fatigue.

  • Insomnia.

  • Sudden weight loss or gain.

  • Loss of interest in normal daily activities

  • Hopelessness feeling.

  • Attempted suicide or repeated thoughts of planning, continuous thoughts of death.

The trick here is that you can occupy your mind with other thoughts besides the reasons which are again and again caring you into the shell.

If your mind is not in a position to listen, then let your body take charge and handle the situation. I mean, doing physical activity that helps you feel better and release serotonin, which is a happy hormone. It is a way to treat depression.

Always remember one thing, you are in charge of your life and your emotions, don’t let any situation or anyone tell you how to behave and how to live.

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