Pranayama is about breathing and concentrating the mind. It means measuring, controlling and directing the breath. Pranayama regulates energy in the person, so as to restore and maintain health and stimulate evolution.
Pranayama controls the process of breathing and gives control of vital energy. When the inflowing breath is neutral or it joins the out flowing breath, the balance of perfect rest and body activity is noticed. In yoga, we balance the flow of vital forces, and then direct them to the chakra system and upwards to the crown chakra.
Pranayama or breathing techniques are very important in yoga. It goes hand in hand with a yogic asana. In the Yoga Sutras, the methods of pranayama and asanas are considered to be the highest forms of purification and self-discipline for the mind and body, respectively. By these methods the internal fire of temperature or purification creates a real sensation of heat. It is taught that heat is a part of the process of purifying the nerves in the body. This allows you to experience a healthier state and calms the mind.