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How to handle criticism and remain positive?

Criticism is part of human life. It has generally been shown that people are busy changing others, but they are not ready to control their own minds. It generates endless criticism and opinions, ultimately a major annoyance. Everyone in this world has given each other advice, but still it has been difficult to handle people properly. There are different types of criticisms, but they can be broadly categorized as constructive criticism and projected/destructive (or negative) criticism. The positive type of criticism is "How I can improve?" or "What can I do better?" It helps every person to grow in every single stage of life. On the contrary, negative criticism affects the underlying emotion, and it is a reaction of a person's hurtful words. It is the product of negative emotions such as jealousy, insecurity, and anger.

When a person has a positive mood, he / she lets others talk about their thoughts without hurting them. The advice in such a case is taken in a healthy way. This is possible only when people see things objectively and identify themselves as souls or bodies. This can easily be achieved by controlling the mind if a person is trying to be a true yogi.

What about ordinary householders? In today's world, everyone's life is bigger than ego. Everyone in these days knows everything and cannot take criticism in a healthy way. It does not allow them to grow as a person. With all the stress, competition and race around, today people simply forget to control their minds and thus transform even the most constructive criticism into speculation. So what exactly to do in such a situation! The only way is find a way to convert projected criticism into a constructive one.

We teach amazing techniques that not only create physical strength but also mental and emotional balance. One such technique is Sukhasana. This is often taken for granted, but if you perform it for ten minutes every day, I would just say that it will bring awareness and calmness. When a person is relaxed, all the focus is on the breathing and no disturbance enters the mind. This raises awareness and, in a way, is a cake walk to accept the things they are, so it helps to work on criticism. The mind will start to work towards improving and beautifully forgetting to react. A person will be able to maintain peace and start living in the present.

Another most effective technique is the immortal feeling that teaches that nothing is permanent and that everything is transient. This simple idea will help one to understand that whatever criticism or opinion comes from it does not have a lasting effect. This will help keep calm and give a great shot at doing things. If correction is needed, it will go smoothly into the system, and if the criticism is relieved of ego, one will gain the ability to forgive or let go.

Performing forgiveness from day one may be difficult for some people, so it is best to reflect on the events of that day and to witness for ourselves. This will help to correct the mistake or to find something positive if there, from the negative opinion. It trains the mind to practice detachment, thereby gradually strengthening the unstable feeling.

The following are some simple solutions on how to handle the above criticism and convert the negative to the positive. It will help each person stay positive and remove the "I" s feeling in it. In any kind of bad situation, at home, at work or socially, one can remains extremely positive and takes it a step further towards finding consciousness.

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