The world is bound to be unjust. If a person is likely to experience injustice from time to time, one can go through the situation alone; frequent situations need to be addressed. When injustice happens in the workplace, fingers immediately point to the boss. Dealing with an inappropriate boss indicates two things - one has been wronged and one needs to react. The yoga philosophy says both are undesirable; Yoga prefers to take an active position on the victim's role or action psychological response.
An inappropriate situation needs to be investigated before concluding. Ask yourself the question, is it your boss's part to behave repeatedly or did it happen once? What led to the behaviour? Often, we come to the conclusion that we are wrong. It can be driven by our ego or past baggage.
Think of the situation once in your boss' point of view. If you notice a sudden change in exercise, such as, unexpected silence, and then anger; it is likely that your boss is going through something emotional situation in his personal life. In such a sudden switch, a little friendship, compassion and patience from your end can go a long way. This will be noticed by your boss and can be overcome from everyday interaction. You will be able to look for your boss for multiple conversations, calmly state your grievances, try it only if you have tracked it, so make sure you correct your mistakes and then go to your boss with a valid reason.
But if you show mercy and you feel stress or resentment even if the situation continues to be ugly, then do pranayama at that time. Regularly, start a long breath practice; Take a deep breath and inhale slowly. It will calm your nerves; help you to evaluate the situation more objectively. Consider your options; is it possible to move to a new role or different section, which will stop direct communication with the improper boss? Or is it a blessing to explore alternatives to take advantage of these new opportunities in career movements or changes in the organization?
Whether it's a new start, a new department role, or a new company, it doesn't come with the promise of complete positivity and honesty. Dealing with a new manager can be equally difficult, but if you continue to use the same old methods, they will keep you in the same situation.
Practicing certain proven technique may helps you to purify your mind. Friendship, compassion, goodwill, neglecting bad people around, will help you balance our mind. Being isolated from a situation like that is just witnessing the situation as a third person will helps to deal unjustly because it does not affect us emotionally.
So whenever negative emotions such as greed, anger, confusion arise, turning our attention in the opposite direction is also a long way to deal with the sticky situation of injustice.
A situation doesn't define you; it's just how you react to it. That way, when you can't change the external situation, change your focus direction to think differently for yourself.