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Importance Of Sleep

The most important activity of our life is sleep. The average person should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per day. However, we often sleep less hours because of our busy schedules. The sedentary lifestyle, coupled with the pressures of work, keeps you awake until the wee hours of the morning and siesta when we need it. But sleep, is important.

World Sleep Day is celebrated every year to make people aware of the importance of sleep. This day is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of the World Sleep Society. The annual event takes place on the Friday before the Spring Vernal Equinox of each year. This year, World Sleep Day will be celebrated on March 13, with the goal of reducing the burden of sleep issues on the community.

Here are some interesting facts about sleep you may not know:

Let's start with pets. If you are a foster parent, most of the time you have seen your pet's closet sleeping. Well, this is for the uninitiated because two thirds of a cat's life is asleep.

Do you know how much a person contributes to sleep? Anyway, that's usually 1/3 of their life time. However, this can vary with the human age.

Do you know the longest period without sleep? Well, this is straightforward 11 days, set by a student in California named Randy Gardner. But, this is definitely not recommended. Not sleeping too long can also cause a person to die.

You may have heard people talking during sleep. But have you ever wondered what happens to deaf people who have the habit of speaking to those who are asleep? In most cases, deaf people have been reported to use sign language in their sleep.

Do you know some terms related to sleep? If you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, Clinomania is a form of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Parasomnia is the term used for immoral movements during your sleep, half asleep in the body and the sensation of falling hypnagogic jerk during the sleep.

Man is the only mammal that can voluntarily delay sleep. When a person is experiencing extreme fatigue and sleepiness, there are two times between 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon.

Sleep should take a person somewhere between 10 to 15 minutes. If you fall asleep for less than five minutes, you may be deprived of sleep.

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