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How to Treat Addiction?

Can yoga treat an extreme addiction such as alcoholism or drug abuse?

Each type of addiction has its manifestation in mind. In simple yogic language, a person loses his balance.

Alcohol or drugs give a temporary change in mood and a false sense of well-being. Deadly chemicals reach the brain and begin to disrupt its normal functioning.

Abuse of any kind of alcohol or substance abuse causes compromised system in body and its function. This reduces decision time and increases response time. Alcohol damages the liver and kidneys adversely and depending on the drug being taken it also compromises with the functioning of the brain.

When an addict wants to quit, their body starts showing withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms are really challenging, and the fear of the experience often stops people from leaving. How can yoga help such addicts? Yoga is the way of life. Taking care of the four basic pillars is a holistic approach that helps to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Relaxation techniques, have given life to many. Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that teaches individuals to cope with life better and to improve their own behaviours to overcome mental and emotional upheavals. Today, professional rehab centres and medical facilities understand the need for holistic and complementary treatment options. Practical Effective Tips- Yoga can help any addict to recover from addiction, such as drug, alcohol and food. 1. Diet plays an important role - Sattvik organic diet is advised with plenty of fresh fruits and local seasonal greens. Practical yogic technique attracts a person to his true nature and encourages him to seek answers. It helps reduce the sensation of eating outwardly and points to your true consciousness - everyone is born with a powerful reserve. Over time, this practice teaches us to become more independent on inner peace and less dependent on outside material life. Occasionally chasing your favourite chocolate and coffee for a temporary lift is okay. 2. It helps you to be proactive than reactive in life. One of the common mistakes we make is that we can’t make a difference in others. We need to make a difference in ourselves, not the world. "It is harmful to react. In any case, the only solution is to deal positively. Proper yoga and breathing system help to control the body, emotions and mind. 3. Guided meditation and Chanting Mantra both plays an important role. They ensure a quality sleep and rest the body deeply. Meditation alters the Brain wave configuration into alpha waves to overcome emotional barriers. 4. Activities like Dhouti Kriya, jalaneti, and sutraneti / rubber neti help detox the body. It cleans the system internally and improves immunity. 5. In any form of addiction, the goal is to strengthen the nervous and immune system. Asanas such as Surya Namaskar, Pravatasana, Bhujangasana Paschimottanasana, and Sarvangasana and yoga mudra provide a great stretch the spine upper chest region and shoulders. Matsyasana also plays an important role in destroying all the diseases. Breathing exercises also known as pranayamas help recover from stress and stop the mind chattering.

Each and everything when performed with proper breathing and proper feeling helps to relieve nervousness stress

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