As a parent many of us face ‘N’ number of issues in bringing up our child. Surely you are a parent who would like to support your child’s development in the best possible way? Each one of use like to access a quick, easy technique to improve their behaviour, build their self-esteem, remove their fear, stop bed wetting and many such childhood issues?
The Process explained in today’s issue is commonly known as Sleep Talk. With the help of this process you as a parent can help the kids build and protect his/ her self-esteem, help them feel secure, capable and loved. This powerful process takes just five to ten minutes in the night while your child is sleeping. This will assist you with a wide range of childhood problems including:
Separation Anxiety
Learning difficulties
Speech problems
Poor self-esteem
Fear of anything
and much more
Most parents notice positive changes within 21days. If you would like to help your child become happier, calmer, more confident and co-operative then this will help you for sure.
Sleep Talk is a process of talking to your sleeping child when he is in sleep. Her time matters the most the child should not be in deep sleep nor should he be conscious while we talk with the child he should be in the alpha stage of sleep. Normally it’s a stage when the child has slept just 5-10 minutes before and within half an hour. As a parent it’s a time (for use to understand) when you are sleeping actually but still can sound the happening that are happening in your nearby vicinity i.e. someone puts of light in room, or opens the closed door and so on.
What can it treat?
It will be helpful in treating many childhood issues, including bedwetting, shyness, aggression, school performance, anxiety, eating problems, ADHD or Autism. It also controls Hyperactivity, kids doing wrong things in wrong time, not obeying. It is recommended for all children up to 12 years of age. Whether they have problems or not we believe every parent should learn this process and every child could benefit from it.
There are certain very important precautions to be taken care of i.e. your child should never come to know about the process. If at all the child listens to the process with his conscious mind alert then the things may turn worst. It is recommended to strictly take care that you perform the process at the stage where the child is in its Trans state of mind (subconscious).
The results are easily visible say from 15-21 days; they will simply wake up feeling happier and more positive. Often their behaviour will change and they are not sure why. As a parent, it’s a very easy and enjoyable thing to do. No matter how difficult a child’s behaviour may have been throughout the day, once they are sleeping they can often seem like angels. This is a perfect time to build their self-esteem at a sub-conscious level. Her starts your role to give positive affirmations for the next 10-15 minutes.
This helps the child undergo a belief change process from negative to positive. It builds their self-esteem and can directly address specific problems. Many behaviour problems in children like, “I am not safe”, “I don’t belong” or “I am not good enough” will change automatically. In the day time it only empty’s your time out of your pocket giving explanation and boosting the child’s confidence.
Difficult behaviour will then often resolve all by itself. For any residual problems you can specifically target the underlying beliefs and change them.
How to do it?
Simply write the changes you want in your child using proper positive language assume as if the things are already happening and have a pure thought and believe the process. At an instant do select simple issues at initial stage and then go for difficult issues after 3 weeks.
Under the guidance of an expert like us you can handle complicated issues also at the starting stage.
Simply repeats the positive affirmations daily without fail in your child’s ear once he has slept for minimum of 21 days. If the issue is solved in 10 days, then also continue the affirmations for 21 days.
Hope you all enjoyed reading it and I am sure you will start it tonight and see miracles happening into your life.